Learn About Composers through Free Kindle Books
Upon reading a free Kindle book I came across while researching Igor Stravinsky's life, an idea came to mind. Why not find as many free Kindle books as possible about famous composers and use that as part of a music curriculum? So, that is what I did, well half of it anyway. I researched Amazon and found as many free e-books as I could about famous composers. I wanted to provide you with the links to each of the books in case you wanted to work through some of this over the summer. I do plan on making a curriculum based on these. Hopefully, I'll finish it over the summer, just in time for school. I have not read these books, except for half of Stravinsky's autobiography, so I cannot attest to their cleanliness. As I read each one, I will try to remember to review them so that you have the information you need.
Thanks for sharing all these links.