Think about when you are driving somewhere, and a car is tailing you. Obviously it isn't safe, but try to have a different perspective instead of getting angry. (I'm speaking to myself as well.) Maybe the person behind you is rushing home from work to take care of their sick child. Maybe they are late for work. Again, I am not excusing tailgating, but maybe if we are able to pull over and let them pass we will gain a new perspective and be a little less irritated.
When listening to the news and hearing about all the evil in this world, instead of getting depressed, try to have God's perspective. This world is only temporary. It will eventually cease to exist. God will create a new heaven and a new earth where all will be perfect. He already knows what will happen in life, when, and how. The better we know Him, the easier it is to face life's difficulties. The more we have his perspective on things, the more joy we will have in trials (not because of trials).
Next time I have a hard time with one of my children, I hope I change my perspective to that of God. My children are gifts He has given to me. They have a purpose which God has instilled in their lives. I hope I can also change my perspective to that of my children as well. What are they dealing with? What is going on in their hearts and minds that makes the situation seem so difficult? If I try to change my perspective, I will hopefully be a lot more understanding and empathetic to everybody around me.
Love this! Thanks for writing it.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I needed to be reminded of this!