There are so many things I love to do; some of them I do well. I often think about how I could earn a living doing the things I love to do. That's where it ends for me most of the time. I have come up with ideas for different events that have come to fruition, but I have not been a part of them myself. I love to brainstorm and create. Why is there a gap between the vision and the implementation?
I love to bake. I love to do crafts. I love to write. I think I could make money doing any of these things. I have gotten good feedback on some things I've written lately, which encourages me to write more. I enjoy writing this blog...most of the time. There are so many topics I'd like to write about that they are all swimming around in my head. I need a fishing pole to catch just one. That would make things a little bit easier. I think I could write three posts a day on this blog, but I'm sure that would be a bit overwhelming to those who read it. Tonight, I wanted to write about a book I read, about a movie I just watched, about something from Scripture that has been on my mind since last week, about spending time with family yesterday and today. It was hard to pick one, so I chose to write about not being able to choose something to write about.
Many years ago, John and I went to a marriage conference. The only thing I remember from the whole weekend was a description of the difference between a man's mind and a woman's mind. The speaker said, "If you think of your mind as a closet, when you look inside a man's mind, each specific event or issue in his life is in its own little box placed neatly on a shelf. Not so in a woman's mind. Everything is just scattered all over the floor." My issue right now is that when I open the door everything spills out into the open room because the number of visions and ideas have gotten to be too much for my closet.
Today, I entered a recipe into the Pillsbury Bake-Off. It is a version of a recipe I have had a vision of for 2 years. I finally did something about it. Now I need to get moving on some of these other visions I've had, like writing a book. But, again, I have an issue. The longer I sit around thinking about writing a book instead of actually writing one the more ideas for books I come up with. Now I have to pick what type of book I want to write. It never ends.
I enjoy being a visionary, but I'm getting to the point where I'd like to do something constructive MYSELF with the ideas that I have. Well, perhaps tomorrow I'll pick just one of those blog ideas I mentioned earlier, just to get something done and to make more room in my closet.
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