Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Papa's Pearls' Review

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I couldn't wait until I was able to write the review for this product.  Papa's Pearls is one of the most amazing books I've ever read.  Diane Flynn Keith shares pearls of wisdom that her father shared with her and her family until the day he died.  His story in itself would have made a superb read, but the wisdom and insight that he shared will add so much to my own life and the lives of my children.  I am so glad that Mrs. Keith wrote this book.  I want to purchase a copy for every friend I have so that they can read it over and over again.

I started out reading it myself, figuring I'd store up the wisdom to use as I parent my own children.  I got to the bottom of just page 2 when I started using things from Papa's life with my family.  When he was a child, Papa was forced to write his multiplication tables as punishment, in turn becoming a math whiz.  My daughter was struggling with her tables, so when a punishment needed handed down for something she had done we had her do multiplication tables.  She now knows them.

With each chapter I read, I was more encouraged.  I began sharing some of the amazing stories with my small group at church, with friends from our homeschool co-op, and whoever else I could when the opportunity arose.  One of the stories was of Papa telling his family to look for treasures wherever they went.  Two of his grandchildren began to put money they found lying around while they were out in a jar.  At the end of a year, they had collected almost $430.  I decided to start my own jar the day John (my husband) and I walked to the grocery store and I found 36 cents.  I started that jar on April 28.  I probably only have $1.00 or so, but it's a start.  It's fun to find coins just lying around.  I do feel like a treasure hunter.  I've found more money just keeping my eyes open than I did with my metal detector.

While working with our youth group one Wednesday evening a few weeks ago, I shared the story of when Papa was sent to a continuation school where delinquents went to school.  In his mind, it was the worst thing that could have happened to him at the time, but it ended up being one of the best things.  He learned a trade there which he used to start his own business years later.  I encouraged the kids to understand that things that seem to be negative while they are happening are often used by God to grow us and teach us.  We can often look back at negative things and see how God used them for his purposes.

Sometime after I had finished the book, I was working with Paige on her schoolwork.  She was complaining about math, so I read to her the chapter entitled, "'Ya Gotta Do What Ya Gotta Do' and 'Tell Yourself You Like It.'"  A few days later, she had been sent to bed early, so I began reading the book to her from the beginning.  I figured she would benefit from Papa's insight.  I read two chapters that night.  Every night since she has begged me to read more of the book.  She wants me to read it to her brothers and have her dad read it.  It is amazing how much of an impact one man's life can have on others.  I obviously didn't know him, but I am thankful for him.  How amazing it would have been to be the child or grandchild of a man so wise and loving!

There are only 112 pages in this short book.  It sells for $13.47 for the paperback through Amazon or $6.97 as a Kindle book through Amazon.  You can click through Papa's Pearls to Amazon.  You can also order an autographed copy for $14.97 from Papa's Pearls with $7.00 shipping and handling.  The wisdom contained within this book makes it priceless, in my opinion.  I highly recommend it.  It was not written as a parenting book, per se, but I tell people it is the best parenting book I've ever read.

Goodness, I don't know what else to say.  People need to read this.  I believe there will be something that speaks to you and makes you want to be a better person.


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